Summer Lacey, Director of Criminal Justice, ACLU of Southern California,; (213) 977-5224 



Coalition of social justice and community-based organizations centers demands on racial equity,  decarceration, and accountability. 

LOS ANGELES — The Los Angeles DA Accountability Coalition (DAAC) congratulates  George Gascón on his victory in the race for Los Angeles County District Attorney and is  preparing to press for an ambitious agenda of reform for the country’s largest District  Attorney’s office. 

The DAAC, a coalition of local justice reform organizations, advocates, artists,  organizers, and people who have been directly impacted by our criminal legal  system, has spent the past year-and-a-half building public awareness about the  power of the District Attorney’s office and encouraging voter participation in this vital  election. Now that the election is complete, the coalition is focused on promoting  greater transparency and accountability for the DA and the DA’s office by advocating  for serious reforms that reverse LA’s long history of racism and mass incarceration. 

“We have been thrilled at the level of local and national attention on this race, which  both encouraged and reflected a heightened public awareness of both the power and  discretion that a DA has,” said Molly Greene, a member of the DAAC Steering  Committee. “Now that the race has been resolved, we intend to make sure that this  awareness translates into continued accountability.” 

The DAAC is advocating for the District Attorney’s office to commit to new policy  objectives, including the following: 

1. Pursue racial justice. Acknowledge racial disparities, evaluate and address — with  community input — how to eliminate them, and commit to blind charging, which  prevents prosecutors from seeing demographic information before making an initial  decision on whether to charge someone. 

2. Decarcerate. Commit to reducing incarceration by 25% by the end of 2024, actively  and strongly pursue alternatives to incarceration, prioritize community-based  services, and break from the California District Attorney Association and other  prosecutor lobbies to support reform and transformation measures. 

3. Increase pretrial justice. Stop seeking money bail, recommend release with the  least restrictions possible, and advocate for needs-based assessments.

4. Treat kids like kids. Advocate for non-criminal diversion programming, never seek  life without parole or strikes against kids, and publicly advocate for ending police and  police searches in schools. 

5. Engage in radical transparency in policies and data, and commit to meaningful  community meetings and oversight. Gather and publish statistics, policies, and  protocols, and institute a Memoranda of Understanding with community members.  Advocate for the creation of an independent oversight body and advisory board, and  strengthen conviction review and integrity measures. 

6. Prosecute law enforcement misconduct, brutality, and killings. Support an  independent investigatory team outside of the DA’s office to address law enforcement prosecutions; release all video footage within 30 days of an incident;  create a “Do Not Call” list prohibiting officers with histories of misconduct,  dishonestly, racism or bias from testifying at trial; and create a committee that is  responsive to families who have encountered police misconduct, brutality, and the  loss of loved ones. 

7. Protect immigrants and others from collateral consequences. Implement an  office-wide policy requiring attorneys to write a memo to their supervisors that  explains adverse immigration and collateral consequences when making policy and  negotiation decisions in charging, pre-plea, plea, and post-conviction contexts and to  proceed on paths that minimize or remove those immigration and collateral  consequences; support prohibition of local cooperation with ICE, Border Patrol, or  HSI; support post-conviction litigation from people who pled guilty without being  advised of immigration or collateral consequences, or who seek to mitigate the  consequences stemming from an old conviction; and proactively engage with the  immigrant community by holding regular community meetings to hear their evolving  concerns and needs. 

“Our philosophy has always been that accountability is an ongoing, never-ending  process, not just something that happens every four years at election time” said Megan  Baca, Staff Attorney and Investigations Coordinator at Loyola Project for the  Innocent. “No matter who leads the office of the DA, our job is to make sure that the  public is educated and informed on the most important issues in the criminal legal  system, and that the DA is responsive to both the public he serves as well as those  individuals and communities most directly affected by the criminal legal system.” 

The DAAC intends to continue to engage both with the public and with the DA’s office in  pursuit of a more just and equitable criminal legal system that serves all Angelenos. 


The DA Accountability Coalition is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting  greater accountability within the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office by educating our  community on the power and discretion of DAs as well as the culture and policies within  the DA’s office. Learn more at